When to Hit with a Fault
12/2/2024, 1:11:41 PM

Dominoes is a game of strategy that requires attention and decision-making skills. A key move is to "hit the fault," which means to play a tile of a suit that we no longer have in our possession. our hand. Next, we'll explore when and how to make this move, as well as its possible consequences.

When to Hit with Failure in Dominoes

Dominoes is a game of strategy that requires attention and decision-making skills. A key move is to "hit the fault," which means to play a tile of a suit that we no longer have in our possession. our hand. Next, we'll explore when and how to make this move, as well as its possible consequences.

What Does Hitting On A Fault Mean ?

A fault occurs when you play a tile of a suit without having any more of that suit in your hand. Each player usually has seven tiles, and the suits in dominoes are made up of seven tiles as well. So, if a player decides to play a suit that he no longer has any chips in, he is making a "fault."

To illustrate this, imagine you have a pie with several slices, each representing a suit. If you use one slice and you don't have any more of that type left, you have submitted a fault. Here, strategy is very important, as most of the time, this gives your opponents an advantage.

Consequences of Hitting with the Fault

When you decide to hit with the Fault, you may be giving up control of that suit to your opponents. This means that they will have more chips of that suit and therefore more opportunities to play in their favor. Often, for every play, the opponents may have a majority of that suit, which puts the player who gives up the ruff in a disadvantageous position.

Examples of Strategies

  1. Game Start Example:

    • Imagine that player number one plays a double 2, and you, As the second player, you have no pieces of the 2 suit. By playing a piece of another suit in this situation, such as a 24, you would be developing your play and at the same time protecting other pieces.
  2. Hitting the Fault in Specific Situations:

    • If the next player has played a tile of a suit you no longer have any of, and you decide to play a piece in failure, Make sure you're not creating more opportunities for your opponents.
    • For example, if everyone has checked or played chips that indicate they have no more in the 4 suit, playing a 46 may be the best option because that will keep the game flowing and protect your other pieces.

When Not You Should Hit the Rift

In certain situations, it is better not to play a piece in ruff. This is particularly true if you have more than two checkers in that suit, as this means you can maintain control.

Situations to Avoid

  • When You Have a Majority: If your partner has passed and you have three or more checkers of a suit, playing a checker in ruff can be a mistake.
  • When You Can Develop Another Suit: If you can play a piece that will strengthen your or your partner's play, stick with it and don't blunder.


Hitting with the fault is a delicate strategy in dominoes that can be powerful if executed correctly. However, it is vital that you maintain a balance between defense and development of your game. Always consider how your moves impact your opponents. Use this technique wisely and watch how it changes the flow of the game in your favor. Remember, the key is to play defensively while building your opportunities.

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